Saturday, December 31, 2011

Post Christmas

Kevin and I had the distinct pleasure of being visited by family this holiday season. My parents came from Virginia and my sister from Los Angeles to celebrate Channukah, Christmas, New Years, and my grandfather's 90th birthday. 

Christmas in Seattle was relaxing and delicious. We all overate, particularly me. 

For Zaydeh's birthday, he took us up North to Almost-Canada to stay at a resort called Semiahmoo. 
A food representation of our love (Kevin and Rachel pictured as food).

Once back in Seattle, we continued to overeat in preparation for 2012. 

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Rachelmas 2011

The Holidays Begin!

One week previous to the family invasion was Rachelmas, which is my birthday/holiday party that I throw before everyone leaves for their Christmas vacations and things. We had a great photo shoot at Rachelmas this year, and here are some of the highlights: 

I think photo shoots will definitely return next Rachelmas, when I turn 28 (or plan to).